2013년 12월 19일 목요일

Week 17 Current Event

Georgia woman claims half of $648 million Mega Millions jackpot

By Jason Hanna and Steve Almasy, CNN
December 18, 2013 -- Updated 2255 GMT (0655 HKT)
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Summary: A 56 year old woman has won half of the second largest Mega Millions jackpot in U.S history. This affected to the citizens to try more Mega Millions jackpot in U.S.. Winner, 56, will get $119,935,622,32 after taxes. Ira Curry of Stone Mountain is the Georgia winner of half the $648 million jackpot. Two jackpot-winning tickets were sold, one in Georgian and one in California. And 20 people will win $1 million after matching the five non-Mega ball numbers. This is astonishing all the citizens who enjoys doing Mega Million Jackpot, and this is affecting to the jackpot economy.

My opinion: Doing this kind of thing is a good thing for our economy. The government needs to develop about selling small amount of price, but too many people. This will affect the government a lot. 

2013년 12월 12일 목요일

Week 16 Current Event

Wife of U.S. pastor held in Iran pleads for his freedom

By Ashley Fantz, CNN
December 12, 2013 -- Updated 2136 GMT (0536 HKT)
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Summary: The wife of an American pastor imprisoned in Iran pleaded with a House subcommittee on foreign affairs Thursday to do something to free her husband. Naghmeh Abedini says she felt she had to fight Iran, and also her own government. Her husband's case was not brought up during recent nuclear deal talks with Iran. She aid her husband has been tortured in prison and has been imprisoned for his faith. This is being a really hot issue and most of the citizens are in anger.

My opinion: I think this might cause a big problem between America and Iran. If this becomes a really big issue, I guess that America will do something more effective. I really hope him to get out of the Iran soon.

2013년 12월 5일 목요일

Week 15 Current Event

Nelson Mandela, anti-apartheid icon and father of modern South Africa, dies

By Faith Karimi, CNN
December 6, 2013 -- Updated 0339 GMT (1139 HKT)
Summary: The one who fight for the freedom, statesman, moral compass and South Africa's symbol of the struggle against racial oppression died. In a nation healing from the scars of apartheid, Nelson Mandela became the moral compass, with bouts of illness, the anti-apartheid icon faded from the limelight in recent years. Mandela spent 27 years in prison; 18 of them were on Robben island. This Mandela's death is astonishing and surprising the people.
My opinion: When I heard this news this morning, I was really shocked. I will miss him a lot and I will remember his accomplishment forever. We need to miss him all...

2013년 12월 1일 일요일

Week 14 Current Event

$1 coins: Unwanted, unloved and out of currency

By Mike M. Ahlers, CNN
November 30, 2013 -- Updated 1437 GMT (2237 HKT)
The United States Mint has designed many one-dollar coins. Here are some of the more interesting ones. This "Flowing Hair" silver dollar is believed to be one of the first silver dollars created by the U.S. Mint.
Summary: Most Americans will remember the 1 dollar coin. We used pretty a lot few years ago, but far more than half of all 1 dollar coins ever minted are stored in government vaults. U.S. Mint stopped making 1 dollar presidential coins in 2011 due to a lack of public demand. Government Accountability Office would like to see 1 dollar paper notes phased out. One of Senates bill aims to improve the circulation of 1 dollar coins, bu passage seems doubtful. People are missing their 1 dollar coin a lot and want to see them.

My opinion: Actually, this is not really U.S. government, but I think Economy is a part of U.S. government. When I was in America in 2011, I got that 1 dollar coin from my friend for birthday gift. I thought it was a toy and just kept it. However, it was real money! From that I kept it preciously. I really feel sorry to those who miss our 1 dollar coin!

2013년 11월 21일 목요일

Week 13 Current Event

Boy who witnessed JFK assassination recalls the day

By CNN Staff
November 21, 2013 -- Updated 1438 GMT (2238 HKT)
President John F. Kennedy greets supporters during his visit to Fort Worth, Texas, on Friday, November 22, 1963. This month marks 50 years since his assassination in Dallas, an event that jarred the nation and fueled a multitude of conspiracy theories about whether Kennedy was killed by a single gunman acting alone in the Texas School Book Depository. Here are some images from that fateful day as it unfolded.
Summary: Jeff Franzen was just 6 when he saw John F. Kennedy shot by an assassin. Nearly 50 years later, he recalled that fateful day. He thought the popping sound was firecrackers. Franzen speaks two days before the 50th anniversary of Kennedy's assassination.  Because he was so young at that period, he said that it was too hard to comprehend that a person is killed by others.
My opinion: I really hope the witness is a real witness that can tell what really happened clearly.

2013년 11월 14일 목요일

Week 12 Current Event

Police shoot, wound man at Wisconsin children's hospital

By CNN Staff
November 14, 2013 -- Updated 2055 GMT (0455 HKT)
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Summary: Police shot and wounded an armed man at a Milwaukee-area children's hospitals neonatal intensive care floor late Thursday morning, authorities said. The man had tried to escape police who tried to arrest him in the neonatal ICU. However, the important thing is that he had a baby. He put the baby down and he acted as if he was going to go along peacefully. However, Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn said that the man continued to struggle with officers even after being shot in the arm. No one else was injured.
My opinion: I think the Police shoot because he thought it was a right thing. The Policeman needs to shoot when it is necessary.

2013년 10월 30일 수요일

Week 10 Current Event

Booty from Blackbeard's sunken ship: Five huge cannons

By Steve Almasy, CNN
October 30, 2013 -- Updated 0114 GMT (0914 HKT)
The Coast Guard worked to recover cannons from the Queen Anne's Revenge in Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina, on Monday.
Summary: Many people will know what the Queen Anne's Revenge was. Last night, A total of 20 cannons have been recovered from the Queen Anne's Revenge. One of the cannons discovered is likely from Sweden. The mass of the canons were about 2000 and 3000 pounds. Blackbeard terrorized mariners in the waters of the Atlantic, Caribbean. He intentionally grounded his ship to rid himself of many of his large crew.
My opinion: I think this is really good thing to help our history. These kind of excavation will help a lot to our children.

2013년 10월 20일 일요일

Week 9 Current event

A day after a class on bullying, a suicide

By Chuck Johnston and Tom Watkins, CNN
October 19, 2013 -- Updated 1527 GMT (2327 HKT)
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Summary: Jordan Lewis who was 15 years old was dead. He killed himself with a shotgun blast to the chest. Many citizens who heard this news were shocked. He saw a school presentation about bullying the day before he dies. One of the doctors said that the bullying is a potential stress-or. His family was shocked by this issue and they were just crying. However, the bigger thing is that the students who bullied Jordan Lewis do not recognize their crimes and sins. Citizens are in rage.

My opinion: I think the school bullying is getting bigger and bigger issue. This should be removed by the power of teachers and school. Some school do not care about their students. This should be done. It is enough.

2013년 10월 9일 수요일

Week 8 Current event

Gym mat death shocker: Body stuffed with newspaper

By Victor Blackwell and Devon Sayers, CNN
October 10, 2013 -- Updated 0118 GMT (0918 HKT)
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Summary: Kendrick Johnson was 17 years old. He was dead in age of 17. It was a shocking discovery inside his body. Before he died his body and skull had been stuffed with newspaper. According to the search, his organs removed, cavity filled with newspaper. Father kept saying, "We thought we were burying Kendrick, not half of Kendrick," This sentence touched citizens mind. Kendrick Johnson was found dead in a rolled-up gum mat in January. However, his death was ruled accidental; a private autopsy challenged that finding.

My opinion: The human traffic problem is really serious in Korea too. Because of money, they sell people's organs. This doesn't make sense. The world is getting worse and worse.

2013년 9월 27일 금요일

Week 6 Current Event

Little boy shot in the face in Chicago now even more afraid of the dark

By Ben Brumfield and Amanda Watts, CNN
September 26, 2013 -- Updated 1326 GMT (2126 HKT)

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Summary: A little boy got shot by 4 gang members on his face. When he was walking on the street at night, the 4 gang members shot the gun on his face, and it thrust the little kids face. The bullet is inside of his ear, and he will take 15-20 years to make his face regularly. His nose and mouth is sloped to the left side. His mother said, "It is okay if he comes back to home". By saying this, people were touched. Because this was happened in Chicago, people are thinking the Chicago as a dangerous place. The homicide rate in the United States increased about 0.7% compared with the precious year, according to the FBI figures.
My opinion: I think the gun is really not a useful thing to the citizens. Even if they are using it as a protection, people are using it for revenging and killing more. It should be changed.

2013년 9월 12일 목요일

Week 4 Current Event

Voyager 1 becomes first human-made object to leave solar system

As NASA scientists report that Voyager 1 has left the solar system, take a look at some of the amazing images the probe has provided its earthbound audience. Summary: Scientists now have strong evidence that NASA's Voyager 1 probe has crossed this important issue, making the history as the first human-made object to leave the heliosphere, the magnetic boundary separating the solar system's sun, planets and solar wind from the rest of the galaxy. The Voyager 1 left heliosphere around August 25, 2012. Voyager 1 and 2 were launched in in 1977, 16 days apart. Also voyager 1 is now the first mission to explore interstellar space.
My opinion: When I read these kinds of articles, I feel that our world has been developed a lot! I really want to learn engineering stuff.

2013년 9월 7일 토요일

Week 2 Current Event

How G20 keeps world away from economic brink

By Thomas Wright, Special to CNN
September 6, 2013 -- Updated 1151 GMT (1951 HKT)
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Summary: At the G20 in St. Petersburg, Russia, will be on Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama met. In G20 Thomas Wright said that Syria likely to overshadow G20's purpose, managing global economy. He says that G20 was created in 2008 to respond to economic crisis and it could avert disaster. Wright said that G20 remains the key to staving off global economic crises. Also he criticized Obama and Putin saying that meeting will not solve the Syria conflict. 
In my opinion: I think Thomas Wright is saying right thing. They should decide the solution about the problem in Syria, but not just having meeting every time.

Week 1 Current Event

Obama to take his case on Syria to American people on Tuesday

By Ashley Killough and Tom Cohen, CNN
September 6, 2013 -- Updated 2038 GMT (0438 HKT)
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Summary: President Barack Obama will take his case for a military attack on Syria directly to the American people next week. Obama wrapped up his trip to the G20 summit in Russia by telling people that he is going to address the nation on Tuesday. And the House GOP leader Cantor tells members to expect a vote in the next two weeks. Barack Obama told people that the America has responsibility to help as a global leader. However, Obama refuses to directly answer about attacking Syria without congressional support.
My opinion: I think U.S is a real leader of the world. They should act as a global leader and I think they did a good job. I will expect Barack Obama's choice soon!

2013년 9월 5일 목요일

Week 3 Current Event

Undocumented immigrant's bid for California law license heads to court

By Cindy Y. Rodriguez and Jaqueline Hurtado, CNN
September 4, 2013 -- Updated 2356 GMT (0756 HKT)

Summary: Sergio Garcia, who knows the law very well, has a law degree and passed the California bar exam. Last Wednesday was a landmark day his first case before the California Supreme Court. However, he is not able to behave as a lawyer in front of the justices, because the law is not on his side. Here is the brief summary that is chronologically ordered. Undocumented Immigrant Sergio Garcia fights for his California law license. And started to ask to government, is it legal for an undocumented immigrant to practice law? Sergio said, "I'm fighting for my American dream." However, DOJ said, "How can someone withour legal status become licensed as a lawyer?" This is being problem in California.
My opinion: I think Sergio is doing right thing. The law is being trash right now! Not only America but especially Korea. Many criminals are using the trash laws.

2013년 6월 20일 목요일

Week Last Current Event

Relief on way for Alaska after record-breaking temps

By CNN Staff
June 19, 2013 -- Updated 1719 GMT (0119 HKT)

Summary: Big problem in Alaska. The new temperature records set in Anchorage, which was 81˚F, on Tuesday. Also 70 in Seward, situated on the Gulf of Alaska  Meteorologists say cooling trend will continue on Wednesday after record highs. The city of Homer saw a record-tying 74 degrees Tuesday. Actually, the normal temperature for Anchorage this time of year is about 63 degrees. The greenhouse is affecting most of the temperatures in Alaska.

My Opinion: I really hope people to propel to stop making greenhouse gas. There are several ways to stop it. I hope people to follow, but me first!

2013년 6월 13일 목요일

Week 15 Current Event

Melissa Colyer, a middle school teacher in Franklin Furnace, Ohio, poses with a gun after a concealed-carry course.
June 12th, 2013
11:50 AM ET

In response to Newtown shootings, some states move to put guns in classrooms

 Most of the nation's students are enjoying their summer vacation, however, teachers are having trouble with the guns. In Ohio, Buckeye Firearms Association, a gun rights PAC, has launched a program to educate teachers on how to take down a gunman. In 2012, December 14, ages 6 and 7 - and six adults were killed in Newtown, Connecticut. By this, many teachers want to put guns in classrooms in their classroom. However, many people are disagreeing with this idea because it can cause other problems.
In response to Newtown shootings, some states move to put guns in classrooms
I think putting guns in classrooms will make many problems later. Many students can have conflict anytime. When they cannot control their mind, then they might use the gun that is in classroom. This must not be accepted.

2013년 5월 29일 수요일

Week 14 Current Event

Newest, biggest, baddest roller coasters for summer

By Pam Grout, for CNN
May 29, 2013 -- Updated 0517 GMT (1317 HKT)
After a summer 2013 update to a classic ride, this superhero flies backwards for the first time.
Summary: The economists now found a new way to earn money. Not only economists but especially the entertainment park owners. According to the survey about the super-scary thrill rides, it was almost extreme. Some people hate to ride super-scary thrill rides, but some loves to ride those things. The fear factors are so high on the world's newest coasters that new verbs are being invented. Rides include world's first coaster with water bombs for each seat. Many new roller coasters are invented now.

Opinion: I really love or hate riding roller coasters. I sometimes ride them, but I feel to scary on it before I ride them. I'm not sure that inventing new roller coasters can make entertainment park owners to earn much more money than before.

2013년 5월 23일 목요일

Week 13 Current Event

1 child dead, 1 missing after gravel slide at Minnesota park

From Tina Burnside, CNN
May 23, 2013 -- Updated 1051 GMT (1851 HKT)
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Summary: While a field trip at Minnesota park, 1 child was dead and 1 is missing now. The rain last day made the ground soft, fourth-graders in Minnesota was killed by the gravel slide. The crews began digging it with their hands and shovels, however, they could not find yet. The firefighters and crews are going to resume their work tomorrow because it is still dangerous. Rescue workers will resume their search Thursday.
Relevant to studies: We learned around the Minnesota area in U.S history class.
My opinion: I really hope that people can find the children and we still do not know the result. I just hope them to be alive now.

2013년 5월 22일 수요일

Week 12 Current Event

Search for survivors winds down as Oklahoma begins daunting recovery

By Holly Yan. Chelsea J. Carter and Sara Weisfeldt, CNN
May 22, 2013 -- Updated 1043 GMT (1843 HKT)
The scene -- block after block of flattened homes and businesses, the gutted remains of a hospital and hits on two elementary schools -- left even seasoned veterans of Oklahoma's infamous tornadoes reeling.

Summary: Moore, Oklahoma, where the tornado had happened, is almost empty now. The government marked the second anniversary of the tornado that killed 158 in Joplin. The mayor of Moore said that he did not expect the death toll to rise beyond 24. Many family members are still finding and seeking their loved ones. Firefighters and Police from Joplin, Missouri, are helping with efforts in Moore.
Relevant to studies: We actually did not learn about the Oklahoma but we learned states around it.
My opinion: I first really feel sorry to those people who had sacrificed and the victims. If I lived around Oklahoma, I really want to help them and cure those who are sick and wounded. I wish that those natural disasters do not happen again.

2013년 5월 9일 목요일

Week 11 Current Event

Why more Americans are dying of suicide

By Robert Gebbia, May 9, 2013 
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Summary: America is having serious problem by increase of suicide rate among middle-aged. The most big factors were joblessness and depression. According to the survey, age from 35 to 64 adults are having hard time because of joblessness. This will cause depression and stress. People have no way to stop it but they are having hard time. And  according to a experiment, people who die by suicide often have undiagnosed mental illness. 
Relevance to studies: During the American Civil war in 1860s people had hard time, so they also committed suicide.
My opinion: Actually, not only America, but also Korea has big problem with suicide. To solve this, government must extend the variety jobs. And I think we must continue to pay for scientific research exploring the causes of suicide. I hope everybody to be happy and do not commit suicide.

2013년 5월 2일 목요일

Current event week 10

5-year-old Kentucky boy fatally shoots 2-year-old sister

Summary: 5 years old Southern Kentucky boy shot 2 years old sister accidently. His parents gave him a 22 caliber rifle for Birthday gift. After she gave him the gift, she stepped outside to call others, at that time, there was a big sound and she saw her daughter was dead. Like this using if guns, there are many discussion on this.

My opinion:  In my opinion, we need to stop using guns at home. I think this is all parents' fault. Giving a rifle for birthday gift does not make sense. If I was president of America, I really want to change the law for using guns.

Relevance to studies: We know where Kentucky is and it was also included in Civil war during 1860s.

2013년 4월 18일 목요일

Week 9 Current Event

Images reveal 2 possible suspects in Boston bombing, official says

summary: The bomb during Boston Marathon killed 3 people and injured 180 people. It is a terror. A key suspect is a man wore a white baseball cap and wearing a light-colored hooded sweatshirt and a black jacket. However, he is a key suspect but not sure. Also President Obama is scheduled to attend an interfaith service for the victims in Boston.

Relevance to studies: In our class, we learned about Massachusetts, and the Boston is located in Massachusetts.

My Opinion: I really sorry for the people who passed away and got injured and I will pray for all of them.

2013년 4월 10일 수요일

Week 8 Current Event

NASA shoots for asteroid, new manned missions

Summary: NASA is going to send a human to a moon in 2017. People might think it is wasting money and time, but this time, they use less budget than before. NASA states that this plan will make them to have more information of moon. Also they are planning to send a person to Mars in 2030. NASA advocates the more information from mars and moon.
Relevance to our studies- In mid centuries in America, they were really interested on the moon.
My opinion: I think it will be a good experience to go to moon and Mars. They will get more information than before.

2013년 4월 4일 목요일

Week 7 Current Event

Amid Pyongyang bluster, missile launch feared

Summary: The big problem in United States is the threat from North Korea. Their government and military are saying that they will throw the missiles to White House and burn all the people. In Asia, they have no ability to throw missiles to white house. However, U.S is still preparing for the missiles from North Korea. Also South Korea and North Korea are having cold conflict each other. 
Relevance to studies: there were many wars in America.
Opinion: I hope the peace comes faster than we thought. If there was no North Korea, the world will be very peaceful. 

2013년 3월 28일 목요일

Current Event Week 6

Georgia teens indicted in death of 13-month-old boy


Summary: in Georgia, there were two boys who shoot a 13 months baby and the mother. 
They shoot the gun to the baby's mother two on head and 1 on foot. And they shoot baby's head.
They were arrested, but they still used bad words to police and soon they called their parents. 
Hoever, there parents were also criminals. They tampered to erase the evidence and burned that 

Relavance to studies: we learned the Georgia in class

My opinion: first of all, i want to say that they are crazy. With that brave, i would do good things 
To develop our country.

2013년 3월 21일 목요일

Week 5 current event

Gay couple fights for right to marry in epic high court fight

Summary- Gay couple in Burbank, California, really wants to marry so they fought for the right to marry. They are saying that every people have equal protection and question regarding same-sex marriage. Also there are lesbians in Berkeley who also want to marry. they are still fighting for the rights to marry.
My opinion- First, please don't think that I am a gay so that I am summarizing this article. I am just surprised on it because I thought America allows the same-sex marriage.
Relevance to studies- I'm sure there were gays or lesbians during Revolutionary war, but the book didn't declared.

Sorry for no picture haha.... you know... 

2013년 3월 13일 수요일

Week 4 Current Event

Boy pulled from Disney resort pool dies

Disney's Pop Century resort opened in late 2003.
Summary: A 13-year-old boy was found in about 4 feet of water. He died already and the issue was that the lifeguards were not on duty at that time. The boy was jumping in and out with friends. Later, his friends noticed that the 13-year-old boy was missing. They started to find him and soon called the firefighters. The boy's family was crying. Soon the representative of Disney came and apologized to his parents.

Relevance to studies: Actually, we didn't learn about Florida yet, but we are going to 
learn later!

My Opinion: I think this the lifeguards fault. If they were their, he wouldn't die. 

2013년 3월 7일 목요일

Week 3 Current Event

Former TSA chief backs 'knife' decision; suggests axes and machetes, too


Summary: In America now, people are allowed to have small knife or sports equipment in air plane. This caused people to be scary. Some people are saying that, "if people started to use knife in plane, then the violence things will happen, such as murdering and etc." Like this, some people suggest it is a not nice thing.

Related to studies: We learned trade between Native American and Europe. By this 'Knife allowed' decision, people will trade with more dangerous things.

My opinion: I think this is really bad idea. We don't have to use knife in plane and we can buy it anywhere if there is market. I think it is a bad idea

2013년 2월 27일 수요일

Week 2 Current Event

Student killed in shooting at Coastal Carolina University

Summary: A student was killed by shooting from a student at Coastal Carolina University. This University was founded in 1954 and became independent university in 1993. The student who shoot left in a vehicle and police is still continue to look for him. The victim was Anthony Darnell Liddell, 19 years old, from Bennettsville.

My Opinion: This must not be happened in this 
world! This is really cruel thing. If I become the president of America, I will change the law. People can't bring guns without government's allowance. It must be illegal.

2013년 2월 21일 목요일

Week 1 Current Event

30 million in path of winter storm

눈점(눈 덮인 지리산-김진열)Summary: This winter, America faced a huge snow storm. It is covering about 800,000 squares miles in 18 states. About 30 million people live in its path. In Kansas the snow storm covered about 16-18 inches of snow west of Wichita and up into Nebraska. In Kansas State university, they canceled Thursday classes because there were too much snow. Also the highways were closed and there were many car accidents.

My opinion: Actually, I hope that there is no snow from now to this spring. I hate snow because I can't play soccer. And 16-18 inches of snow is really scary thing. It might be really dangerous. We must be careful. This is just my opinion.

2013년 1월 31일 목요일

Week 4 Current Event

For polluted Beijing, canned air
Link: http://edition.cnn.com/video/?hpt=ibu_t3#/video/world/2013/01/30/sm-china-canned-air.cnn
Summary: The air in Beijing is polluting seriously. Actually, not only China, but also this Earth. People seriously must care about this. These days, the canned air are really popular. People are buying it to remove all the polluted air in their body. It might affect to economic. First, by the polluted air, people are wanting fresh air. They can buy this canned air. Producers are using the incentive thing to motivate consumers to buy it.

Related to studies: We learned about the incentives. By motivating a product, people might want it and have some interest on that.

Opinion: First of all, before economic, we need to really care about our Earth. It is just going to be dirty and dirty. Anyway, instead of using canned air, making the Earth clean will be greater.

2013년 1월 24일 목요일

Week 3 Current Event

 Power struggle: The North African gas industry targeted by militants
Link: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/01/23/business/algeria-energy-exports-struggle/index.html?hpt=ibu_c2
Summary: Algeria is a major exporter of natural gas which attracts international investment. It is in the middle of a regional power struggle across northern Africa. First of all, everybody knows the gas is scarcity. It is limited resources. However, 21.3 billions of gas was exported to Italy in 2011. Also 9.4 billions of gas was sold to Spain in 2011. The workers in there produces 870 million cubic feet of gas in a day. It is about 2.4% of the world's total output.
Related to studies: In our economic class, we learned about scarcity of resources and limited resources. Gas, oil, and fuel, these are all limited resources.
Opinion: I think we should find the substitution of gas and other limited resources. People need them, but the resources are limited. Soon, they might not get those resources. World really need to find the substitutions.

2013년 1월 17일 목요일

Week 2 Current event

Unemployment Takes Worldwide toll

Unemployed workers
Link: http://hmcurrentevents.com/unemployment-takes-worldwide-toll/

Summary: Unemployment around the world is becoming bigger than before. Jon losses around the world are expected to hit 50 million. Also in United States, almost 3.6 million people lost their jobs. Soon, this will cause revolt and it will suddenly affect to government. Then government will concern about this problem. This unemployment always makes problems in the world. Governments must debate and talk about this problem.

Related to studies: In our class, we learned about unemployment. Actually we didn't go deep, but I realized that people should know these problems when we are learning economics.

Opinion: I think the unemployment is getting really bigger. Actually, I can see no job people near by my house. They are also included in 50 million people. Governments must discuss about this for the peace in out world.

2013년 1월 13일 일요일

Week 1 Current event

Consumer Price Index -- Unchained

Summary: Consumer price index (CPI), CPI is used to assess price changes associated with the cost of living. Even if the producers want cheap prices when they buy or purchase something. Like this, the article gave the example of Movie Theater. If producers increase the price of movie ticket, then consumers will just wait for the movie and download from p2p site. So producers should balance to earn much money. This will make producers' and consumers' satisfaction.

Relevance: Our AP economy class learned about the consumers and producers. When they are all balanced, then they all can satisfy on their resources and services.

My opinion: I think this article told right things to us. Producers and consumers should always have balanced prices. Even if producers want much money, consumers will not agree. And when consumers want too cheap price, then producers will not agree. So the balance is really important.