2013년 5월 29일 수요일

Week 14 Current Event

Newest, biggest, baddest roller coasters for summer

By Pam Grout, for CNN
May 29, 2013 -- Updated 0517 GMT (1317 HKT)
After a summer 2013 update to a classic ride, this superhero flies backwards for the first time.
Summary: The economists now found a new way to earn money. Not only economists but especially the entertainment park owners. According to the survey about the super-scary thrill rides, it was almost extreme. Some people hate to ride super-scary thrill rides, but some loves to ride those things. The fear factors are so high on the world's newest coasters that new verbs are being invented. Rides include world's first coaster with water bombs for each seat. Many new roller coasters are invented now.

Opinion: I really love or hate riding roller coasters. I sometimes ride them, but I feel to scary on it before I ride them. I'm not sure that inventing new roller coasters can make entertainment park owners to earn much more money than before.

댓글 10개:

  1. This current event shows the economic impact of entertainment. I love it

  2. I am a bit scared to ride that but I still want to try it as a good experience.

  3. It looks like interesting and exciting... I want to go there for that roller coaster. This amusement park might attract more consumers by establishing this new thing...It is good for firm's economic.

  4. wow!!! hey juniors we need to go there during Summer Vacation! :)

  5. in order to be successful by running an amusement park, first we have to have a lot of money! Anyways, i love to ride that

  6. Roller coaster is one of the popular rides in an amusement. It actually contributes to higher income for the amusement park owners.

  7. The summer is coming~ !!! I would love to ride that in summer!!!

  8. I can't understand some parts of your opinion. However, I'd love to go there and I thought I might want to own an amusement park to earn money!!!

  9. I want to ride that thing! But I can't understand some parts and it this really related to US history??

  10. Well whoo-whee! Shut mah gappin' mouth! I's be catchin' flies I'm so flabbergastered within all y'all's deep edjimicatin' o'pionions! Shoot, I's knows I ain't be whatchmacall learned liked y'all but I'mma thinkin' youse forgots tuh put an "s" on one o' yore words: I thinks you mean tat "some peoples hates dem thangs, an' others loves 'em!" Anyhows, I'm a'thinkin' I'd rather jump barefoot off a six-foot ladder into a 5-gallon bocket o' porcupines than climb onta one of dem thangs!
