2013년 6월 13일 목요일

Week 15 Current Event

Melissa Colyer, a middle school teacher in Franklin Furnace, Ohio, poses with a gun after a concealed-carry course.
June 12th, 2013
11:50 AM ET

In response to Newtown shootings, some states move to put guns in classrooms

 Most of the nation's students are enjoying their summer vacation, however, teachers are having trouble with the guns. In Ohio, Buckeye Firearms Association, a gun rights PAC, has launched a program to educate teachers on how to take down a gunman. In 2012, December 14, ages 6 and 7 - and six adults were killed in Newtown, Connecticut. By this, many teachers want to put guns in classrooms in their classroom. However, many people are disagreeing with this idea because it can cause other problems.
In response to Newtown shootings, some states move to put guns in classrooms
I think putting guns in classrooms will make many problems later. Many students can have conflict anytime. When they cannot control their mind, then they might use the gun that is in classroom. This must not be accepted.

댓글 1개:

  1. Korea is such a paradise not to kill by the gunshots; I hope nobody might not get hurt by training how to take the gun down.
