2013년 6월 20일 목요일

Week Last Current Event

Relief on way for Alaska after record-breaking temps

By CNN Staff
June 19, 2013 -- Updated 1719 GMT (0119 HKT)

Summary: Big problem in Alaska. The new temperature records set in Anchorage, which was 81˚F, on Tuesday. Also 70 in Seward, situated on the Gulf of Alaska  Meteorologists say cooling trend will continue on Wednesday after record highs. The city of Homer saw a record-tying 74 degrees Tuesday. Actually, the normal temperature for Anchorage this time of year is about 63 degrees. The greenhouse is affecting most of the temperatures in Alaska.

My Opinion: I really hope people to propel to stop making greenhouse gas. There are several ways to stop it. I hope people to follow, but me first!

댓글 9개:

  1. We have to seriously consider this grave situation; global warming is constantly increasing; we need to find resolutions to recover Alaska

  2. pollution and global warming! They are always the problem. I don't want to die in near future because of another flood caused by melting glaciers!

  3. Global Warming is a really bad!! Isn't there any way to protect our Earth?

  4. First, sorry bears & penguins!
    It is irony to see humans destroying Earth and then trying to recover the irrevocable losses. Before harming Earth thoughtlessly, we have to firstly take an action and try to save the Earth.

  5. I hope people all around the world realizes how serious it is.

  6. Global Warming is very bad not only for the earth, but it can eventually effect us! I think people should get educated how serious the problem is and try to prevent.

  7. Global warming is such a huge problem. However, it is not just the government's responsibility. We all should actively participate in recovering the environment.

  8. i think global warming become larger problem today. even here's weather became weird because of it. i hope people would find solution for it as soon as possible and fix it.

  9. So you're all complaining about how bad it is, but I don't see one proactive suggestion of how you're going to help the planet. Words are cheap. So is burning things. What are you going to give up? What are you going to grow?
