2013년 5월 9일 목요일

Week 11 Current Event

Why more Americans are dying of suicide

By Robert Gebbia, May 9, 2013 
Watch this video
Summary: America is having serious problem by increase of suicide rate among middle-aged. The most big factors were joblessness and depression. According to the survey, age from 35 to 64 adults are having hard time because of joblessness. This will cause depression and stress. People have no way to stop it but they are having hard time. And  according to a experiment, people who die by suicide often have undiagnosed mental illness. 
Relevance to studies: During the American Civil war in 1860s people had hard time, so they also committed suicide.
My opinion: Actually, not only America, but also Korea has big problem with suicide. To solve this, government must extend the variety jobs. And I think we must continue to pay for scientific research exploring the causes of suicide. I hope everybody to be happy and do not commit suicide.

댓글 10개:

  1. What, really? I didn't know that suicides were a problem in America too!!! The government should do something about it. Maybe they could create a huge campaign about the stupidity of committing suicide.

  2. It was shocking event to me because I thought Americans suicide rate was decreasing. I hope US government can solve this problem immediately. Danny, this is too short; it will be better if you write more.

  3. it is shocked!! but i think Korea is also has problem with suicide. I want all people in the world have a wonderful life!!

  4. It's really sad to hear that. I want everyone all around the world to have happy life.

  5. That is really sad that American people are getting stressed and more people are committing suicide because of their hardship during the middle age life. I think that it is really important to earn enough money for that time period.

  6. It is really terrible....why do many people decide to commit suicide??? Many people always have positive attitude and aspects even though there are many difficulties.

  7. I actually believe there isn't much the government can do to lower the suicide rate. If it gets to involved, the freedoms of individuals decreases.

    It is a shame that suicides are increasing everywhere, both here in South Korea and in my home country. Perhaps there is a personal lesson to be learned here and action taken as Christians to help each other out more. Be aware of those around you?

    Danny, Young is correct to an extent, your summary is a bit short. you should include a few more facts and details mentioned in the article. Also, you forgot to include the author and the original publishing date.

  8. it is very sad that many people are committing suicide. i think government should do something to avoid that, too. i hope this world would become better so that no one would commit suicide.

  9. So many murderers in this world.
    I have to be careful about how I treat people, because I might be the one who kills others.
