2013년 10월 20일 일요일

Week 9 Current event

A day after a class on bullying, a suicide

By Chuck Johnston and Tom Watkins, CNN
October 19, 2013 -- Updated 1527 GMT (2327 HKT)
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Summary: Jordan Lewis who was 15 years old was dead. He killed himself with a shotgun blast to the chest. Many citizens who heard this news were shocked. He saw a school presentation about bullying the day before he dies. One of the doctors said that the bullying is a potential stress-or. His family was shocked by this issue and they were just crying. However, the bigger thing is that the students who bullied Jordan Lewis do not recognize their crimes and sins. Citizens are in rage.

My opinion: I think the school bullying is getting bigger and bigger issue. This should be removed by the power of teachers and school. Some school do not care about their students. This should be done. It is enough.

댓글 2개:

  1. School should care about bullied students. Suicide committed by 15 years old boy with shotgun? Wow, I can't believe it... Young boy shot himself with scary gun. It is really sad. I hope school to care about bullied more, and I want to encourage students who get a lot of stress from outside. 'It shall be passed away.'

  2. School isn't the safest place for students, but it's supposed to be. I hope that the schools will improve their ability to protect the students.
