2013년 9월 12일 목요일

Week 4 Current Event

Voyager 1 becomes first human-made object to leave solar system

As NASA scientists report that Voyager 1 has left the solar system, take a look at some of the amazing images the probe has provided its earthbound audience. Summary: Scientists now have strong evidence that NASA's Voyager 1 probe has crossed this important issue, making the history as the first human-made object to leave the heliosphere, the magnetic boundary separating the solar system's sun, planets and solar wind from the rest of the galaxy. The Voyager 1 left heliosphere around August 25, 2012. Voyager 1 and 2 were launched in in 1977, 16 days apart. Also voyager 1 is now the first mission to explore interstellar space.
My opinion: When I read these kinds of articles, I feel that our world has been developed a lot! I really want to learn engineering stuff.

댓글 2개:

  1. The technology of human has been growing rapidly. I feel we are smart when we develop things and proud of ourselves. Your article is little bit awkward because it is not related to U.S. Government.

  2. Haha, me too! I really want to learn about the engineering and space!!! However, the government should think about the nature before develop many technologies to use space and the earth in long time...
