2013년 3월 7일 목요일

Week 3 Current Event

Former TSA chief backs 'knife' decision; suggests axes and machetes, too


Summary: In America now, people are allowed to have small knife or sports equipment in air plane. This caused people to be scary. Some people are saying that, "if people started to use knife in plane, then the violence things will happen, such as murdering and etc." Like this, some people suggest it is a not nice thing.

Related to studies: We learned trade between Native American and Europe. By this 'Knife allowed' decision, people will trade with more dangerous things.

My opinion: I think this is really bad idea. We don't have to use knife in plane and we can buy it anywhere if there is market. I think it is a bad idea

댓글 3개:

  1. It is really dangerous to have a knife in the airplane. As you say, there might be serious problems. I see some grammatical orders...

  2. I thought the gun problem also. Yes, it really need to regulate the weapon.

  3. umm ... I'm a little confused what this has to do with the Native American and European trade.
