2013년 2월 27일 수요일

Week 2 Current Event

Student killed in shooting at Coastal Carolina University

Summary: A student was killed by shooting from a student at Coastal Carolina University. This University was founded in 1954 and became independent university in 1993. The student who shoot left in a vehicle and police is still continue to look for him. The victim was Anthony Darnell Liddell, 19 years old, from Bennettsville.

My Opinion: This must not be happened in this 
world! This is really cruel thing. If I become the president of America, I will change the law. People can't bring guns without government's allowance. It must be illegal.

댓글 5개:

  1. I am really concerned about those gun abuses hapenning in US. I hope the government to take hold of this problem as soon as they could!

  2. Wow.. A student killed the peer in University. I was surprised when I read this post.In fact, I didn't. These days, there are many gun shot in U.S. so I am not really scared by this kind of article. Thus, I agree with your opinion. They have to make gun restriction law in U.S.

  3. I hate gun shots in America. I'm little bit afraid to go America. Good idea but I wish it will be related to the studies little bit more.

  4. That's so sad that the gun shot had happened! It is pretty good idea but I think it is people's responsibility to manage the guns

  5. In this case, the right to bear arms was abused. People are supposed to protect themselves from others with their arms. I hope this kind of issues will never happen again.
