2013년 2월 21일 목요일

Week 1 Current Event

30 million in path of winter storm

눈점(눈 덮인 지리산-김진열)Summary: This winter, America faced a huge snow storm. It is covering about 800,000 squares miles in 18 states. About 30 million people live in its path. In Kansas the snow storm covered about 16-18 inches of snow west of Wichita and up into Nebraska. In Kansas State university, they canceled Thursday classes because there were too much snow. Also the highways were closed and there were many car accidents.

My opinion: Actually, I hope that there is no snow from now to this spring. I hate snow because I can't play soccer. And 16-18 inches of snow is really scary thing. It might be really dangerous. We must be careful. This is just my opinion.

댓글 7개:

  1. I am quite shocked how much snow it came in United States! However, I don't see relationship with our lecture

    1. We did talk about how weather effected the colonies, especially Jamestown.

  2. oh it is so sad that America faced huge snow storm. i like your Current Event. hahahah

  3. It was a interesting story to read. I recommend you to write more sentence; summary was pretty good and picked main point well.

  4. I like how you understand the article and paraphrase it in your own words. It was similar to what we watched in CNN student news. You did well in summary and your opinion.

  5. Haha..I hope there is no snow for you. However, I like snow so I don't agree with your opinion.

  6. too bad that I can't see the photo..but I like your choice on choosing the article. I hate snow too, but only when it falls too many! But definitely when it kills someone.
