2013년 1월 31일 목요일

Week 4 Current Event

For polluted Beijing, canned air
Link: http://edition.cnn.com/video/?hpt=ibu_t3#/video/world/2013/01/30/sm-china-canned-air.cnn
Summary: The air in Beijing is polluting seriously. Actually, not only China, but also this Earth. People seriously must care about this. These days, the canned air are really popular. People are buying it to remove all the polluted air in their body. It might affect to economic. First, by the polluted air, people are wanting fresh air. They can buy this canned air. Producers are using the incentive thing to motivate consumers to buy it.

Related to studies: We learned about the incentives. By motivating a product, people might want it and have some interest on that.

Opinion: First of all, before economic, we need to really care about our Earth. It is just going to be dirty and dirty. Anyway, instead of using canned air, making the Earth clean will be greater.

댓글 1개:

  1. Hey your summary and opinion is reallynice you know??? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk I love you~~~~
