2013년 9월 27일 금요일

Week 6 Current Event

Little boy shot in the face in Chicago now even more afraid of the dark

By Ben Brumfield and Amanda Watts, CNN
September 26, 2013 -- Updated 1326 GMT (2126 HKT)

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Summary: A little boy got shot by 4 gang members on his face. When he was walking on the street at night, the 4 gang members shot the gun on his face, and it thrust the little kids face. The bullet is inside of his ear, and he will take 15-20 years to make his face regularly. His nose and mouth is sloped to the left side. His mother said, "It is okay if he comes back to home". By saying this, people were touched. Because this was happened in Chicago, people are thinking the Chicago as a dangerous place. The homicide rate in the United States increased about 0.7% compared with the precious year, according to the FBI figures.
My opinion: I think the gun is really not a useful thing to the citizens. Even if they are using it as a protection, people are using it for revenging and killing more. It should be changed.

2013년 9월 12일 목요일

Week 4 Current Event

Voyager 1 becomes first human-made object to leave solar system

As NASA scientists report that Voyager 1 has left the solar system, take a look at some of the amazing images the probe has provided its earthbound audience. Summary: Scientists now have strong evidence that NASA's Voyager 1 probe has crossed this important issue, making the history as the first human-made object to leave the heliosphere, the magnetic boundary separating the solar system's sun, planets and solar wind from the rest of the galaxy. The Voyager 1 left heliosphere around August 25, 2012. Voyager 1 and 2 were launched in in 1977, 16 days apart. Also voyager 1 is now the first mission to explore interstellar space.
My opinion: When I read these kinds of articles, I feel that our world has been developed a lot! I really want to learn engineering stuff.

2013년 9월 7일 토요일

Week 2 Current Event

How G20 keeps world away from economic brink

By Thomas Wright, Special to CNN
September 6, 2013 -- Updated 1151 GMT (1951 HKT)
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Summary: At the G20 in St. Petersburg, Russia, will be on Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama met. In G20 Thomas Wright said that Syria likely to overshadow G20's purpose, managing global economy. He says that G20 was created in 2008 to respond to economic crisis and it could avert disaster. Wright said that G20 remains the key to staving off global economic crises. Also he criticized Obama and Putin saying that meeting will not solve the Syria conflict. 
In my opinion: I think Thomas Wright is saying right thing. They should decide the solution about the problem in Syria, but not just having meeting every time.

Week 1 Current Event

Obama to take his case on Syria to American people on Tuesday

By Ashley Killough and Tom Cohen, CNN
September 6, 2013 -- Updated 2038 GMT (0438 HKT)
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Summary: President Barack Obama will take his case for a military attack on Syria directly to the American people next week. Obama wrapped up his trip to the G20 summit in Russia by telling people that he is going to address the nation on Tuesday. And the House GOP leader Cantor tells members to expect a vote in the next two weeks. Barack Obama told people that the America has responsibility to help as a global leader. However, Obama refuses to directly answer about attacking Syria without congressional support.
My opinion: I think U.S is a real leader of the world. They should act as a global leader and I think they did a good job. I will expect Barack Obama's choice soon!

2013년 9월 5일 목요일

Week 3 Current Event

Undocumented immigrant's bid for California law license heads to court

By Cindy Y. Rodriguez and Jaqueline Hurtado, CNN
September 4, 2013 -- Updated 2356 GMT (0756 HKT)

Summary: Sergio Garcia, who knows the law very well, has a law degree and passed the California bar exam. Last Wednesday was a landmark day his first case before the California Supreme Court. However, he is not able to behave as a lawyer in front of the justices, because the law is not on his side. Here is the brief summary that is chronologically ordered. Undocumented Immigrant Sergio Garcia fights for his California law license. And started to ask to government, is it legal for an undocumented immigrant to practice law? Sergio said, "I'm fighting for my American dream." However, DOJ said, "How can someone withour legal status become licensed as a lawyer?" This is being problem in California.
My opinion: I think Sergio is doing right thing. The law is being trash right now! Not only America but especially Korea. Many criminals are using the trash laws.