2013년 1월 31일 목요일

Week 4 Current Event

For polluted Beijing, canned air
Link: http://edition.cnn.com/video/?hpt=ibu_t3#/video/world/2013/01/30/sm-china-canned-air.cnn
Summary: The air in Beijing is polluting seriously. Actually, not only China, but also this Earth. People seriously must care about this. These days, the canned air are really popular. People are buying it to remove all the polluted air in their body. It might affect to economic. First, by the polluted air, people are wanting fresh air. They can buy this canned air. Producers are using the incentive thing to motivate consumers to buy it.

Related to studies: We learned about the incentives. By motivating a product, people might want it and have some interest on that.

Opinion: First of all, before economic, we need to really care about our Earth. It is just going to be dirty and dirty. Anyway, instead of using canned air, making the Earth clean will be greater.

2013년 1월 24일 목요일

Week 3 Current Event

 Power struggle: The North African gas industry targeted by militants
Link: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/01/23/business/algeria-energy-exports-struggle/index.html?hpt=ibu_c2
Summary: Algeria is a major exporter of natural gas which attracts international investment. It is in the middle of a regional power struggle across northern Africa. First of all, everybody knows the gas is scarcity. It is limited resources. However, 21.3 billions of gas was exported to Italy in 2011. Also 9.4 billions of gas was sold to Spain in 2011. The workers in there produces 870 million cubic feet of gas in a day. It is about 2.4% of the world's total output.
Related to studies: In our economic class, we learned about scarcity of resources and limited resources. Gas, oil, and fuel, these are all limited resources.
Opinion: I think we should find the substitution of gas and other limited resources. People need them, but the resources are limited. Soon, they might not get those resources. World really need to find the substitutions.

2013년 1월 17일 목요일

Week 2 Current event

Unemployment Takes Worldwide toll

Unemployed workers
Link: http://hmcurrentevents.com/unemployment-takes-worldwide-toll/

Summary: Unemployment around the world is becoming bigger than before. Jon losses around the world are expected to hit 50 million. Also in United States, almost 3.6 million people lost their jobs. Soon, this will cause revolt and it will suddenly affect to government. Then government will concern about this problem. This unemployment always makes problems in the world. Governments must debate and talk about this problem.

Related to studies: In our class, we learned about unemployment. Actually we didn't go deep, but I realized that people should know these problems when we are learning economics.

Opinion: I think the unemployment is getting really bigger. Actually, I can see no job people near by my house. They are also included in 50 million people. Governments must discuss about this for the peace in out world.

2013년 1월 13일 일요일

Week 1 Current event

Consumer Price Index -- Unchained

Summary: Consumer price index (CPI), CPI is used to assess price changes associated with the cost of living. Even if the producers want cheap prices when they buy or purchase something. Like this, the article gave the example of Movie Theater. If producers increase the price of movie ticket, then consumers will just wait for the movie and download from p2p site. So producers should balance to earn much money. This will make producers' and consumers' satisfaction.

Relevance: Our AP economy class learned about the consumers and producers. When they are all balanced, then they all can satisfy on their resources and services.

My opinion: I think this article told right things to us. Producers and consumers should always have balanced prices. Even if producers want much money, consumers will not agree. And when consumers want too cheap price, then producers will not agree. So the balance is really important.