2013년 4월 18일 목요일

Week 9 Current Event

Images reveal 2 possible suspects in Boston bombing, official says

summary: The bomb during Boston Marathon killed 3 people and injured 180 people. It is a terror. A key suspect is a man wore a white baseball cap and wearing a light-colored hooded sweatshirt and a black jacket. However, he is a key suspect but not sure. Also President Obama is scheduled to attend an interfaith service for the victims in Boston.

Relevance to studies: In our class, we learned about Massachusetts, and the Boston is located in Massachusetts.

My Opinion: I really sorry for the people who passed away and got injured and I will pray for all of them.

2013년 4월 10일 수요일

Week 8 Current Event

NASA shoots for asteroid, new manned missions

Summary: NASA is going to send a human to a moon in 2017. People might think it is wasting money and time, but this time, they use less budget than before. NASA states that this plan will make them to have more information of moon. Also they are planning to send a person to Mars in 2030. NASA advocates the more information from mars and moon.
Relevance to our studies- In mid centuries in America, they were really interested on the moon.
My opinion: I think it will be a good experience to go to moon and Mars. They will get more information than before.

2013년 4월 4일 목요일

Week 7 Current Event

Amid Pyongyang bluster, missile launch feared

Summary: The big problem in United States is the threat from North Korea. Their government and military are saying that they will throw the missiles to White House and burn all the people. In Asia, they have no ability to throw missiles to white house. However, U.S is still preparing for the missiles from North Korea. Also South Korea and North Korea are having cold conflict each other. 
Relevance to studies: there were many wars in America.
Opinion: I hope the peace comes faster than we thought. If there was no North Korea, the world will be very peaceful.